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Digital Life Sponsor Meeting
MIT Media Laboratory
May 8, 2007

This meeting is open only to sponsors of the Digital Life consortium at the MIT Media Lab.
If you are interested in sponsorship, please see: http://www.media.mit.edu/sponsors/index.html
Sponsors, visit insite for webcast and presentation archive.


MIT Media Lab, Bartos Theatre

Tuesday, May 8

8:00 AM:


Registration & Continental Breakfast

8:30 AM:


Welcome and Updates: Andy Lippman, Michael Bove

8:40 AM:


Media Lab Initiatives


Living the Future

Communications Futures Program

Sensible Organizations

One Laptop Per Child

9:20 AM:



9:45 AM:


Research Presentations: New Senses & Expressions

Chris Csikszentmihályi, MC

Software Agents: Henry Lieberman 

eRationality: Elan Pavlov 

Computing Culture: Chris Csikszentmihályi 

Perceptual Signatures: Alex Vasilescu

Music, Mind & Machine: Barry Vercoe

Affective Computing: Roz Picard

Physical Language Workshop: John Maeda

10:45 AM:



11:00 AM:


Research Presentations: Stuff: Ted Selker, MC

Tangible Media: Hiroshi Ishii

Lifelong Kindergarten: Mitchel Resnick

Ambient Intelligence: Pattie Maes

Responsive Environments: Joe Paradiso

Context-Aware Computing: Ted Selker

12:00 PM:


Research Presentations: Channels: Michael Bove, MC

Object-Based Media: Michael Bove

OpenTag: Henry Holtzman

Sociable Media: Judith Donath

Speech Interfaces: Chris Schmandt

Viral Communications: David Reed

Cognitive Machines: Deb Roy

Media Fabrics: Glorianna Davenport


1:00 PM:


Lunch, Media Lab Atrium (Upper and Lower Levels)

2:30 PM:


Speaker: TBA

Q&A: Digital Life and Consumer Electronics Lab Faculty

Preview of Kresge Event: Frank Moss

3:30-6:30 PM:


Research Open House: Lower Level, Floor 3 and Floor 4


6:30 PM:


Reception, Media Lab Atrium (Upper and Lower Levels)
















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